Main real estate conflicts in Turkish Law

There are several main conflicts in Turkish real estate law, including:

Ownership disputes: These may arise between co-owners, between owners and tenants, or between owners and government entities.

Zoning and building code violations: Conflicts may arise between property owners and local authorities over the use and development of land, including issues related to zoning restrictions and building codes.

Inheritance disputes: Conflicts may arise between family members over the distribution of real estate assets following the death of a relative.

Environmental disputes: Conflicts may arise between property owners and environmental groups over the use and development of land that is considered ecologically sensitive or protected.

Land expropriation: Conflicts may arise between property owners and government entities over the taking of private property for public use.

Rent control disputes: Conflicts may arise between landlords and tenants over the terms of rental agreements and rent control regulations.

Property boundary disputes: Conflicts may arise between neighboring property owners over the location of property boundaries and access rights.

Contract disputes: Conflicts may arise between parties to real estate contracts over issues such as performance, payment, and compliance with contract terms.

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